
Delicious Death (Video)

  Hello blog i am now showing you guys my final video. I hope you guys enjoy and thank you!!

Tittle Cards

Hello blog, I began the day by editing my title cards, which was a rather difficult task. I was looking into what title cards to use and looked at the previous options, but none of them suited the current video I composed. So, I looked into an app called iFont, recommended by a friend. Initially, when opening the app, I thought it was really cool and looked through it with my friend, finding one I specifically chose—Cinzel Decorative. When I initially tried downloading it, I thought it would allow me to upload my video and add the font or download the font and add it to CapCut for editing and implementation into my video. However, I then realized that neither of these options was working. I contacted my friend, but she couldn’t give me a defined answer either. So, I chose to look on CapCut and settled for something similar (Evangel). I was a little disconnected from it at first, but I noticed it didn’t look too bad. After showing it to some friends, they also confirmed that my video lo

Editing clips 2

  Hello bloggers, this is part 2 of my editing clips. I'm excited to say I've adjusted everything and partly finished. This time around for editing, I used an animation in CapCut to add a filter to fade in and out of clips. It helped with clips that wouldn’t have initially blended in with each other. For example, in my first clip where I put a can I picked up and started the opening sequence (I've done this before in a previous project, kind of like a signature clip), it wasn’t dark enough to adjust to the other scene, so I put a fade out on the ending and a fade into the other scene to flow naturally. Another specific type of editing I did to a couple of scenes was adjusting the time. Some scenes seemed a little slow, so I partially sped them up by a second or two. Not that it's that noticeable, but I felt it was a good adjustment to make. For example, Kylie filmed a part of the meat section to emphasize the attention of my character, and it felt fast, so I decided to

Editing Clips 1

 Hello bloggers, so today I edited all my clips. I finished filming pretty quickly. I had an order of clips, and first, I started by cutting down the time on each clip so that when I put it in CapCut, it would flow together. When editing clips, I would start by taking out portions that had stuff where my director, Kylie McDonald, would be yelling 'start' if I was warming up to the scene's events for the scene taking place. Most clips came to be a couple of seconds of me walking or doing random gestures, composed at different angles. Something important to note is that I didn’t have much dialogue; I used the ambient sound from the grocery store in the beginning clips. I'll later figure out how I'll adjust the sound to fit the music and will explain the research behind that. My way of editing more informative content was from my iPhone, adjusting settings. I simply let it play, then swiped away what I didn’t want. Then I put it into CapCut and further adjusted using t

Kitchen/ Dinning scene

 Hey guys, I will finally be describing the final scene.. the kitchen scene. It truly is the most fascinating scene in my opinion and it took the longest to shoot. I enjoyed it because I was allowed to cook in the scene and the many shots were of something I was comfortable doing. When filming I tried to add some spark by humming or cutting and even cleaning. There were multiple angles captured of me from full and idle shots, an angle of my shadow, and an above shot along with many tracking shots.  To further describe the scene it will cut in later when I'm editing into me cooking and sautéing the meat. The cut will be from the scene of my kidnapping of Maya. Then starting with me cooking, later chopping u vegetables. It will cut to me walking over to my dining table and a long pause staring off before I finally eat. Finally jumping to a scene of my scrubbing the floor away with blood and cleaning blood from places it shouldn’t be. That is when it will grow black for my end title c

Parking lot scene

 Hey bloggers, so in my previous blog I talked about how I was going to separate the three different scenes into three different blogs. In which now talking about the second scene the parking lot scene. Which was rather difficult even though it the less amount of time. The scene wasn’t hard to film because of some major issues like people kept walking by or because our phones were acting funny. However, it was because of two reasons the first being when we previous were going to film in the grocery store parking lot. It started to rain, causing us to need to leave and go to my director's house (Kylie McDonald). There we sat at her house waiting for the rain to stop. When we finally arrived at my own house, it had stopped raining and we decided to film in my complex because it was similar to a parking lot at the grocery store. Now we're on to the second most difficult part of the scene. It took us about 7 retakes or more and even switching up the angle to capture the scene. Why?